Méthodes de développement

Qu'est ce que les outils d'aide à la décision d'Ottawa?

Nos aides à la décision préparent les personnes à discuter de leurs options avec des professionnels en :

Comment sont-ils développés?

Le développement des Outils d'aide à la décision d'Ottawa est basé sur le Modèle d'aide à la décision d'Ottawa et a été mis à jour afin de rencontrer les International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) établis en 2005.

Critères de l'IPDAS

La liste de contrôle IPDAS est seulement disponible en anglais.


  1. Man-Son-Hing M, Laupacis A, O'Connor AM, Wells G, Lemelin J, Wood W, Dermer M. Warfarin for atrial fibrillation: the patients' perspective. Archives of Internal Medicine. 156:1841-1848, 1996.
  2. Sullivan K, Hebert P, Logan J, Dales R, O'Connor AM, McKim D, McNeely PD. What do physicians tell patients with end-stage COPD about intubation and mechanical ventilation? Chest. 109:258-264, 1996.
  3. McNeely PD, Hebert PC, Dales RE, O'Connor AM, Wells G, McKim D, Sullivan K. Deciding about mechanical ventilation in end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: how respirologists perceive their role. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 156(2):177-183, 1997.
  4. O'Connor AM, Tugwell P, Wells G, Elmslie T, Jolly E, Hollingworth G, et al. A decision aid for women considering hormone therapy after menopause: Decision support framework and evaluation. Patient Education and Counselling. 33(3):267-79, 1998.
  5. O'Connor AM, Tugwell P, Wells G, Elmslie T, Jolly E, Hollingworth G, et al. Randomized trial of a portable, self-administered decision aid for post-menopausal women considering long-term preventive hormone therapy. Medical Decision Making. 18(3):295-303, 1998.
  6. Papaioannou A, Parkinson W, Adachi J, O'Connor AM, Jolly E, Tugwell P, Bedard M. Efficacy of comprehensive counselling for assisting women to make decisions about hormone therapy. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 159(10):1253-7, 1998.
  7. Sawka C, Goel V, Mahut C, Taylor G, O'Connor AM, Ackerman I, et al. Development of a patient decision aid for choice of surgical treatment for breast cancer. Health Expectations. 1(1):23-36, 1998.
  8. Dales R, O'Connor AM, Hebert P, Sullivan K, McKim D, Llewellyn-Thomas H. Intubation and mechanical ventilation for COPD: Development of an instrument to elicit patient preferences. Chest. 116:792-800, 1999.
  9. Drake ER, Engler-Todd L, O'Connor AM, Surh L, Hunter A. Development and evaluation of a decision aid about prenatal testing for women of advanced maternal age. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 8(4):217-233, 1999.
  10. Man-Son-Hing M, Laupacis A, O'Connor AM, Biggs J, Drake E, Yetisir E, Hart RG. A patient decision aid regarding antithrombotic therapy for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association. 282(8):737-743, 1999.
  11. O'Connor AM, Drake ER, Fiset V, Graham I, Laupacis A, Tugwell P. The Ottawa Patient Decision Aids. Effective Clinical Practice. 2(4):163-170, 1999.
  12. Fiset V, O'Connor AM, Evans W, Graham I, DeGrasse C, Logan J. Development and evaluation of a decision aid for patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Health Expectations.3:125-136, 2000.
  13. O'Connor AM, Jacobsen MJ, Elmslie T, Jolly E, Wells G, Bunn H, et al. Simple vs Complex Patient Decision Aids: Is More Necessarily Better? (abstract) Medical Decision Making. 20(4):496, 2000.
  14. Dodin S, Légaré F, Daudelin G, Tetroe J, O'Connor AM. Prise de décision en matière d'hormonothérapie de remplacement: Essai clinique randomisé. Canadian Family Physician/Le Médecin de famille canadien. 47:1586-1593, 2001.
  15. Goel V, Sawka CA, Thiel EC, Hort EH, O'Connor AM. Randomized trial of a patient decision aid for choice of surgical treatment for breast cancer. Medical Decision Making. 21:1-6, 2001.
  16. Grant FC, Laupacis A, O'Connor AM, Rubens F, Robblee J. Evaluation of a decision aid for patients considering autologous donation of blood before open-heart surgery. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 164(8):1139-44, 2001.
  17. Laupacis A, Grant C, Laupacis A, O'Connor AM, Rubens F, Robblee J. Evaluation of a decision aid for patients considering autologous donation of blood before open-heart surgery. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 164(8):1139-1144, 2001.
  18. Man-Son-Hing M, Laupacis A, O'Connor AM, Hart RG, Feldman G, Blackshear JL, Anderson DC. Development of a decision aid for patients with atrial fibrillation who are considering antithrombotic therapy. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 15:723-730, 2001.
  19. Mitchell SL, Tetroe J, O'Connor, AM. A decision aid for long-term tube feeding in cognitively impaired older persons. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49:1-4, 2001.
  20. Cranney A, O'Connor AM, Jacobsen MJ, Tugwell P, Adachi JD, Ooi DS, Waldegger L, Goldstein R, Wells G. Development and pilot testing of a decision aid for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Patient Education and Counseling. 47(3):237-247, 2002.
  21. Man-Son-Hing M, O'Connor AM, Laupacis A, Drake E, Biggs J, Hum V. The effect of qualitative versus quantitative presentation of probability estimates on patient decision making. A randomized trial. Health Expectations. 5:246-255, 2002.
  22. Rostom A, O'Connor AM, Tugwell P. A Randomized Trial of a Computerized versus an Audio-booklet Decision Aid for Women Considering Post-menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy. Patient Education and Counselling. 46:67-74, 2002.
  23. Clark HD, O'Connor AM, Graham ID, Wells GA. What factors are associated with a woman's decision to take hormone replacement therapy? Evaluated in the context of a decision aid. Health Expectations. 6(2):110-117, 2003.
  24. Guimond P, Bunn H, O'Connor AM, Jacobsen MJ, Tait V, Drake E, Graham I, Stacey D, Elmslie T. Validation of a tool to assess health practitioners' decision support and communication skills. Patient Education and Counseling. 50(3):235-245, 2003.
  25. Légaré F, O'Connor AM, Graham ID, Wells GA, Jacobsen MJ, Elmslie T, Drake ER. The effect of decision aids on the agreement between women's and physicians' decisional conflict about hormone replacement therapy. Patient Education and Counseling. 50(2):211-221, 2003.
  26. O'Connor AM, Drake ER, Wells GA, Tugwell P, Laupacis A, Elmslie T. A survey of the decision-making needs of Canadians faced with complex health decisions. Health Expectations. 6(2):97-109, 2003.
  27. O'Connor AM, Stacey D. Knowledge transfer to patients: Methods to support patients' decisions. In: P Tugwell, B Shea, G Wells, V Ibeke, M Boers, L Simon, P Brooks (Eds.), Evidence-Based Rheumatology. Oxford: British Medical Journal. 2003.
  28. O'Connor AM, Tait V, Stacey D, Légaré F. Communicating the benefits/harms of estrogen-progestin hormone therapy with decision aids. Medscape Women's Health eJournal. 8(2), 2003.
  29. Stacey D, O'Connor AM, DeGrasse C, Verma S. Development and evaluation of a breast cancer prevention decision aid for higher risk women. Health Expectations. 6:3-18, 2003.
  30. Lalonde L, O'Connor AM, Drake E, Duguay P, Lowensteyn I, Grover SA. Development and preliminary testing of a patient decision aid to assist pharmaceutical care in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Pharmacotherapy. 24(7):909-922, 2004.
  31. Murray MA, Miller T, Fiset V, O'Connor AM, Jacobsen MJ. Decision support: helping patients and families to find a balance at the end of life. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 13(6):270-277, 2004.
  32. O'Connor AM, Stacey D, Légaré F, Santesso N. Knowledge Translation for Patients: Methods to Support Patients' Participation in Decision Making About Preference-Sensitive Treatment Options in Rheumatology in P Tugwell, B Shea, M Boers, P Brooks, LS Simon, V Strand, G Wells (eds), Evidence-Based Rheumatology. BMJ Books. Pp. 41-62. 2004.
  33. Tugwell P, Shea B, Boers M, Brooks P, Simon LS, Strand V, Wells G, editors. Evidence-Based Rheumatology. London: BMJ Books; 2004.
  34. Laupacis A, O'Connor AM, Drake ER, Rubens FD, Robblee JA, Grant FC, Wells PS. A decision aid for autologous pre-donation in cardiac surgery: A randomized trial. Patient Education and Counseling. Epub, 2005.
  35. Wilson KG, Arron SD, Vandenheen KL, Hebert PC, McKim DA, Fiset V, Graham ID, Sevigny E, O'Connor AM. Evaluation of a decision aid for making choices about intubation and mechanical ventilation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Patient Education and Counseling. 57:88-95, 2005.
  36. Vandemheen KL, O'Connor A, Bell SC, Freitag A, Bye P, Jeanneret A, Berthiaume Y, Brown N, Wilcox P, Ryan G, Brager N, Rabin H, Morrison N, Gibson P, Jackson M, Paterson N, Middleton P, Aaron SD. Randomized trial of a decision aid for patients with cystic fibrosis considering lung transplantation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 180(8):761-8, 2009.

SVP. Voir les pages en anglais pour d'autre information.

Date de la dernière modification : 2015-06-15.