International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration

Who's Involved?

Those involved in ongoing work for the IPDAS Collaboration are listed below.

For more details see the Terms of Reference.

Steering Committee
Dawn Stacey PhD (co-lead) University of Ottawa CA
Robert J Volk PhD (co-lead) University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center US
Michael J Barry MD Harvard Medical School US
Hilary Bekker PhD Leeds University UK
Martin Härter MD PhD Dipl Psych University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf DE
Tammy Hoffmann PhD Bond University AU
Kirsten McCaffery PhD University of Sydney AU
Michael Pignone MD MPH Duke University US
Karina Dahl Steffensen MD PhD University of Southern Denmark DK
Karen Sepucha PhD Harvard Medical School US
Lyndal Trevena PhD University of Sydney AU
Trudy van der Weijden PhD University of Maastricht NL
Holly Witteman PhD Laval University CA
Rachel Thompson PhD University of Sydney AU

People involved in the IPDAS 2.0 update (2018 to present).

Co-Leads Robert J Volk, and Dawn Stacey with the IPDAS Steering Committee
Chapter A Using a Systematic Development Process
Co-Leads Robert J Volk, and Holly Witteman
Team Members Jeanette Finderup (DK), Krystina Lewis (CA), Kristin Maki (US), Karina Dahl Steffensen (DK), Gratianne Vaisson (CA)
Chapter B Providing Balanced Information About Options
Co-Leads Karina Dahl Steffensen, Richard W Martin, and Stina L.B. Andersen
Team Members Tammy Hoffmann (AU), Mary Ann O'Brien (CA), Paulina Bravo (CL), Karina Olling (DK), Heather Shepherd (AU), Dawn Stacey (CA), Kathrina Dankl (DK)
Chapter C Presenting Probabilities
Co-Leads Lyndal Trevena, and Brian J Zikmund‑Fisher
Team Members Paul Han (US), Carissa Bonner (AU), Adrian Edwards (UK), Wolfgang Gaissmaier (DE), Yasmina Okan (UK), Elissa Ozanne (US), Ellen Peters (US), Danielle Timmermans (US)
Chapter D Clarifying and Expressing Values
Lead Holly Witteman
Team Members Jesse Jansen (AU), Michael Pignone (US), Angie Fagerlin (US), Teresa Gavaruzzi (IT), Bob Arnold (US), John F P Bridges (US), Selma Chipenda Dansokho (CA), Ruth Ndjaboue (CA), Arwen Pieterse (NL), Dean Regier (CA), Praveen Thokala (UK), Marieke Weemink (NL), Douglas White (US), Celia Wills (US),
Chapter E Using Personal Stories
Co-Leads Hilary L Bekker, and Victoria Shaffer
Team Members Suzanne Brodney (US), Elizabeth Thomas (US), Yaara Zisman-Ilani (US), Bob Volk (US), Sarah Munroe (CA), Katherine Valentine (US), Teresa Gavaruzzi (IT), Sian Smith (AU)
Chapter F Guiding / Coaching in Deliberation and Communication
Co-Leads Dawn Stacey, Sascha Koepke, Janet Jull, and Anne Rahn
Team Members Marie-Chantal Loiselle (CA), Jeanette Finderup (DK), Laura Boland (CA), Maureen Smith (Consumer CA)
Chapter G Disclosing Conflicts of Interest
Co-Leads Rachel Thompson, and Clarence Braddock
Team Members Michael J Barry (US), Evelyn Chan, Ben Moulton, Barry Main (UK), Zoe Paskins (UK), Martin Härter (DE), Thaddeus Pope (US)
Chapter H Addressing Health Literacy
Co-Leads Kirsten McCaffery, Marie-Anne Durand, and Danielle Muscat
Team Members Sian Smith (UK), Nora Moumjid (FR), Tamara Cadet (US), Anik Giguere (CA), Aisha Langford (US), Lilisbeth Perestelo-Perez (ES), Jenna Smith (AU), Ashley Housten (US), Julien Mancini (FR), Renata Yen (US), Glyn Elwyn (US), Myrtle Mitchell (US), Sherrill Jackson (US)
Chapter I Basing Information on Comprehensive, Critically Appraised, and Up-To-Date Syntheses of the Scientific Evidence
Co-Leads Tammy Hoffmann, and Juan Pablo Brito
Team Members Lilisbeth Perestelo Pérez (ES), Catherine Saunders (US), Mina Bahkit (AU), Marie-Anne Durand (FR)
Chapter J Establishing the Effectiveness
Co-Leads Karen Sepucha, and Richard Thomson
Team Members Celia Wills (US), Mary Ropka (US), Daniel Matlock (US), Logan Trenaman (CA), Jesse Jansen (AU), Christine Stirling (AU), Mirjam Körner (Germany), Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby (US), Joanne Lally (UK), Lilisbeth Perestelo Perez (ES), Kathrene Valentine (US), Ha Vo (US)
Chapter K Implementation
Co-Leads Natalie Joseph-Williams, and Trudy van der Weijden
Team Members Christine Stirling (AU), France Legare (CA), Paulina Bravo (CL), Aisha Langford (US), Mirjam Körner (DE), Angerla Coulter (UK), Laura Boland (CA), Sarah Munroe (CA), Anik Giguere (CA), Aubri Hoffman (US), Purva Abhyankar (UK), Richard Martin (US), Daniel Matock (US), Nora Moumjid (FR), Suzanne Brodney (US), Karina Dahl Steffensen (DK), Alison Brenner (US)

People involved in the 2012 update of the IPDAS Collaboration Background Document.

Lead Robert J Volk, and Hillary Llewellyn‑Thomas
Chapter A Using a Systematic Development Process
Lead Angela Coulter
Team Members Jennifer Kryworuchko, Patricia Mullen, Chirk-Jenn Ng, Diana Stilwell, Trudy van der Weijden
Chapter B Providing Information About Options
Lead Deb Feldman-Stewart
Co-lead Mary Ann O'Brien
Team Members Marla Clayman, Joyce Davison, Masahito Jimbo, Michel Labrecque, Richard W Martin, Heather Shepherd
Chapter C Presenting Probabilities
Co-leads Lyndal Trevena, and Brian Zikmund‑Fisher
Team Members Adrian Edwards, Wolfgang Gaissmaier, Mirta Galesic, Paul Han, John King, Margaret Lawson, Suzanne Linder, Isaac Lipkus, Elissa Ozanne, Ellen Peters, Danielle Timmermans, Steven Woloshin
Chapter D Clarifying and Expressing Values
Co-leads Michael Pignone, and Angie Fagerlin
Team Members Purva Abhyankar, Nananda Col, Deb Feldman‑Stewart, Teresa Gavaruzzi, Jennifer Kryworuchko, Carrie A Levin, Arwen Pieterse, Valerie Reyna, Laura Scherer, Anne Stiggelbout, Celia Wills, Holly Witteman
Chapter E Using Personal Stories
Lead Hilary L Bekker
Co-lead Anna Winterbottom
Team Members Phyllis Butow, Amanda Dillard, Deb Feldman‑Stewart, Jack Fowler, Maria Jibaja‑Weiss, Victoria Shaffer, Robert J Volk
Chapter F Guiding / Coaching in Deliberation and Communication
Lead Dawn Stacey
Team Members Jeff Belkora, Kate Clay, Joyce Davison, Marie‑Anne Durand, Karen B. Eden, Aubri Hoffman, Mirjam Koerner, Jennifer Kryworuchko, France Légaré, Marie‑Chantal Loiselle, Richard Street
Chapter G Disclosing Conflicts of Interest
Lead Michael J Barry
Co-lead Clarence Braddock
Team Members Evelyn Chan, Benjamin Moulton, Sunita Sah, Magenta Simmons
Chapter H Delivering Decision Aids on the Internet
Lead Aubri Hoffman
Co-lead Robert J Volk
Team Members Martin Härter, Linda Li, Hilary Llewellyn‑Thomas, Anton Saarimaki, Christine Stirling
Chapter I Balancing The Presentation of Information and Options
Lead Peep Stalmeier
Co-lead Robert J Volk
Team Members Purva Abhyankar, Jennifer Blumenthal‑Barby, Paulina Bravo, Angela Buchholz, Nananda Col, Elissa Ozanne, Dale Collins Vidal
Chapter J Addressing Health Literacy
Co-leads Kirsten McCaffery, Stacey Sheridan, and Don Nutbeam
Team Members Marla Clayman, Karen Kelly‑Blake, Margaret Holmes‑Rovner, David Rovner, Sian Smith, Mike Wolf
Chapter K Basing Information On Comprehensive, Critically Appraised, And Up-To-Date Syntheses Of The Scientific Evidence
Lead Victor Montori
Co-lead Annie Leblanc
Team Members Angela Buchholz, Diana Stilwell, Apostolos Tsapas
Chapter L Establishing the Effectiveness
Co-leads Karen Sepucha, and Richard Thomson
Team Members Cornelia M Borkhoff, Joanne Lally, Carrie A Levin, Daniel D Matlock, Chirk‑Jenn Ng, Mary Ropka, Dawn Stacey, Natalie Joseph Williams, Celia E Wills

The preparation of the ORIGINAL 2005 IPDAS Collaboration Background Document was carried out by 12 writing teams. Previous Steering Committee members.

Last modified: 2024-11-20.

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