International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration

What's New

2025 March — IPDAS Policy Brief
This policy brief (PDF) summarizes the findings from the consensus process used to make evidence-informed changes to the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS 5.0).
2024 February
Invitation to vote on proposed IPDAS changes (closed March 15, 2024).
2021 October — IPDAS UPDATE 2.0 Publications
The International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration: Evidence Update 2.0. A special issue in Medical Decision Making consists of a set of papers organized by IPDAS Collaboration on the evidence base related to the design, evaluation, and implementation of patient decision aids. The IPDAS Update (2.0) papers are updates and expansions of the set of IPDAS background document chapters published in 2012 and related journal articles published in 2013 (see links below).

The 2021 special issue includes two editorials on the context and history of the IPDAS Collaboration and 13 scientific review articles providing the latest evidence on 11 core IPDAS domains. The 11 core IPDAS domains are: development process, providing balanced information, communicating probabilities of outcomes, clarifying values, using personal stories, guidance and decision coaching, disclosing conflicts of interest, health literacy, basing information on scientific evidence, measuring effectiveness, and implementation of patient decision aids. A total of 105 unique authors from 11 countries contributed to these scientific review articles.

2021 March
A new IPDAS logo was created with an IPDAS timeline of deliverables in preparation for the release of the IPDAS Update 2.0 and move to the new website.

new IPDAS logo

2018 September
The IPDAS Steering Committee launched the next Update of evidence informing the IPDAS Criteria (update 2.0) and opportunity to identify new topics. For more details see the Process for the IPDAS Update July 2018 (PDF).
2018 July
IPDAS members involved on the Steering Committee and working groups are now required to complete the IPDAS Declaration of Interest Form.
2018 March – New reporting guidelines for patient decision aids!
The SUNDAE Checklist (Standards for UNiversal reporting of patient Decision Aid Evaluation studies) has 26-items and is intended for authors and researchers designing and reporting on studies evaluating patient decision aids. These guidelines are available on the EQUATOR reporting guidelines website and in the IPDAS resources webpage.
2017 October
IPDAS Deliverables Impact & Next Steps presentation at SMDM open session.
2016 December
National Quality Forum releases National Standards for the Certification of Patient Decision Aids
2016 December
Norwegian Health Directorate
2016 Summer
Washington State Health Care Authority Certifices first patient decision aids
2013 November 29 – IPDAS Publication
The International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration's Quality Dimensions: Theoretical Rationales, Current Evidence, and Emerging Issues. A supplement in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making now available.

In 2003, the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration was established to enhance the quality and effectiveness of patient decision aids by establishing an evidence-informed framework for improving their content, development, implementation, and evaluation.

This 2013 series begins with a paper describing a) the ten-year evolution of the IPDAS Collaboration itself and b) IPDAS's 12 core dimensions for assessing the quality of patient decision aids. Next, 12 papers present an updated theoretical rationale, the current empirical evidence, and the emerging issues underlying each of these core evaluative dimensions. Finally, the series closes with a systematic review of the implementation of patient decision support interventions into routine clinical practice. A total of 102 authors from 10 countries contributed to this supplement.

Available here.

2013 Update of the IPDAS Story
An overview of the activities of the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration. An update to the version originally presented at the 2011 International Shared Decision Making Conference held in Maastricht, Netherlands.
2013 August
Creation of the IPDAS email list, It will be used:
  1. as a membership register,
  2. to communicate,
  3. to agree on a process to convene a Steering Group (vote for chair/members),
  4. for future research / development of the criteria.
To be added, ask a current member to introduce you by citing your interest and expertise relevant to IPDAS. If you don't know a member, see the Who's Involved? page.
2012 Update of the IPDAS Collaboration Background Document

Provide Suggestions for IPDAS Quality Dimensions

Last modified: 2025-03-14.

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