International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration

Previous Steering Committee members

IPDAS Steering Committee 2017 to 2023

Steering Committee
Dawn Stacey PhD (co-lead) University of Ottawa CA
Robert J Volk PhD (co-lead) University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center US
Michael J Barry MD Harvard Medical School US
Hilary Bekker PhD Leeds University UK
Nananda Col MD University of New England US
Angela Coulter PhD University of Oxford UK
Martin Härter MD PhD Dipl Psych University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf DE
Tammy Hoffmann PhD Bond University AU
Kirsten McCaffery PhD University of Sydney AU
Michael Pignone MD MPH University of Texas at Austin US
Karina Dahl Steffensen MD PhD University of Southern Denmark DK
Richard Thomson MD University of Newcastle upon Tyne UK
Lyndal Trevena PhD University of Sydney AU
Trudy van der Weijden PhD University of Maastricht NL
Holly Witteman PhD Laval University CA
Rachel Thompson PhD University of Sydney AU

IPDAS Steering Committee 2011 to 2017

Steering Committee
Glyn Elwyn MD (co-lead) Cardiff University UK
Dawn Stacey PhD (co-lead) University of Ottawa CA
Michael Barry MD Harvard Medical School US
Nananda Col MD University of New England US
Angela Coulter PhD Picker Institute Europe UK
Karen Eden PhD Oregon Health & Science University US
Martin Härter MD PhD Dipl Psych University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf DE
Margaret Holmes-Rovner PhD Michigan State University US
Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas PhD Dartmouth College US
Victor Montori MD Mayo Clinic US
Nora Moumjid PhD GRESAC, CNRS, Centre Léon Bérard FR
Michael Pignone MD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill US
Richard Thomson MD University of Newcastle upon Tyne UK
Lyndal Trevena PhD The University of Sydney AU
Robert J Volk PhD The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center US
Trudy van der Weijden PhD University of Maastricht NL

Development of the IPDAS criteria was carried out by the following Steering Committee.
The preparation of the ORIGINAL 2005 Background Document was carried out by 12 writing teams, listed below.

Steering Committee
Annette O'Connor PhD (co-lead) University of Ottawa CA
Glyn Elwyn MD (co-lead) Cardiff University UK
Alexandra Barratt PhD University of Sydney AU
Michael Barry MD Harvard Medical School US
Angela Coulter PhD Picker Institute Europe UK
Margaret Holmes-Rovner PhD Michigan State University US
Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas PhD Dartmouth College US
Nora Moumjid PhD GRESAC, CNRS, Centre Léon Bérard FR
Margaret E. O'Kane National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) USA
Dawn Stacey PhD University of Ottawa CA
Richard Thomson MD University of Newcastle upon Tyne UK
Tim Whelan MD McMaster University CA

Using a systematic development process

Aileen Clarke Institute of Community Health Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London UK
MJ Jacobsen University of Ottawa CA
Mary Ann O'Connor Dartmouth College US
Diana Stilwell Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making US

Providing information on options

Deb Feldman-Stewart Queen's University CA
Joan Austoker University of Oxford UK
Agathe Charvet Psychologue à l'Institut de Médecine Sociale et Préventive à Genève CH
Paul Hewitson University of Oxford UK
Sara Knight University of California at San Francisco, VA Medical Center US
Karen Sepucha Harvard Medical School US
Tim Whelan McMaster University CA

Presenting probabilities
Alex Barratt University of Sydney AU
Hilary Bekker University of Leeds UK
Agathe Charvet Psychologue à l'Institut de Médecine Sociale et Préventive à Genève CH
Adrian Edwards University of Wales College of Medicine, Swansea UK
Kirsten McCaffery University of Sydney School of Public Health AU
Danielle Timmermans Vrije Universiteit NL
Lyndal Trevena University of Sydney School of Public Health AU
Steve Woloshin Dartmouth College US

Clarifying and expressing values
Annette O'Connor University of Ottawa CA
James Dolan Unity Health System US
Miriam Kupperman University of California at San Francisco US
Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas Dartmouth College US
Celia Wills Michigan State University US

Guiding/Coaching in deliberation and communication
Karen Sepucha Harvard Medical School, Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making US
Jeff Belkora University of California at San Francisco, Cancer Center San Francisco US
Joyce Davison University of British Columbia CA
Bruce Ling University of Pittsburgh US

Describing others' experiences with decision making
Phyllis Butow University of Sydney AU
Jack Fowler Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making US
Sue Ziebland University of Oxford UK

Disclosing conflicts of interest
Michael Barry Harvard Medical School US
Clarence Braddock Stanford University US
Evelyn Chan Houston Medical School US
Tony Hope Ethox: Oxford Centre for Ethics and Communication in Health Care UK

Delivering decision aids on the Internet
Dominick Frosch University of California at San Diego US
Cornelia Ruland Rikshospitalet National Hospital NO

Balancing the presentation of options
Nora Moumjid GRESAC, CNRS, Centre Léon Bérard FR
Elissa Ozanne Massachussetts General Hospital Institute for Technology Assessment US
Dawn Stacey University of Ottawa CA
Angela Raffle Bristol North Primary Care Trust UK

Using plain language
Margaret Holmes-Rovner Michigan State University US
Angie Fagerlin University of Michigan Health System US
Kirsten McCaffery University of Sydney AU
Lisa Schwartz Dartmouth College US
Stacey Sheridan University of North Carolina US
Sue Stableford University of New England, AHEC Health Literacy Center US

Basing information on up-to-date scientific evidence
Michael Pignone University of North Carolina US
Tim Whelan McMaster University CA

Establishing the effectiveness of a decision aid
Vikki Entwistle University of Aberdeen UK
Andrew Kennedy Council on Health Research for Development CH
Al Mulley Harvard Medical School US
Theresa Marteau King's College London Research Group UK
Annette O'Connor University of Ottawa CA
Karen Sepucha Harvard Medical School US

Last modified: 2024-03-13.

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